Wednesday, 27 February 2013



So I thought I'd let you dear reader know why I have been so quiet if late.

I'm starting a business. Yes a real crocheting business.

I'm making a website and everything.

I am very nervous. I keep getting waves of dread and excitement. Although it is nothing as extreme as quitting my day job it is an in the sidelines kind of business.

My current headache revolves around the name if the bloody business and this my dear reader is the pinnacle for absolutely everything. It is driving me wild.

The obvious name was Gosh, Yarn it! I though well it's a clever play on words and pretty darn obviously that it is wooly. As in wool oriented, not convoluted.

I spoke to my friend who is a marketing guru with her own fabulous award winning business GlamourFix and her advice was that Gosh, yarn it! Didn't roll of the tongue it was a bit of a mouthful. I suggested just yarn it, but this sounds too much like a Polish builder. Not a bespoke handmade crochet business! Not exactly what I'm looking for!

I have exhaustively researched nursery rhymes: itsy bitsy (sounds like a nursery) Betty blue (strip club) Bo Peeps (peep show). To name but a few.

Next port of call: food. Particularly old fashioned puddings. Rhubarb and crumble (ancient cartoon) crumble and custard (taken) treacle (creepy old 'uncle) hollygog (no comment necessary).

Nonsense words: hobbledehoy (gangly youth) whirligig (spinny thing) hotchpotch (stuff).

Then homemade stuff: Molly Makes (taken by a magazine) made for you (toddlers artwork).

Crochet wooly stuff: knit wit (taken) knit witch (taken) three bags full (evicted philanderer) crafty so and so (taken).

The quaint phrases: peachy keen (taken)... Lost the will to live.

Then names, based on the quality and luxury connotations of brand like fortun and mason & Belle and Boo. So, Teddy and Tallulah (my pets names) Benedict and Boo (eggs).

I could literally scream. I have to create a logo and website, order stationary, package an order for Monday for my first commissions from the Jones' and I don't have a bloody name.

Please help me. Or let inspiration take me!

I love crochet.

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